Definition of artificial intelligence:
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer
science concerned with the study and creation of computer system that exhibit
so some from intelligence. Systems that learns now concepts and task system
that can reason and draw useful conclusion about the world around us.
It is the science and engineering of making
intelligent machine intelligent computer program. It is limited similar task of
using computers to understanding human intelligence but artificial intelligence
does not have confine itself to methods. In other words, we can say that
artificial intelligence is the field of computer science which develop the
ability to understand things in computer system like the human minds.
Artificial intelligence requires methods for
encoring knowledge in computer system. Basic research in artificial
intelligence had developed the variety of methods for this. These methods
include predicate logic, production rules, semantic networks frames and script.
Intelligence means the ability to acquire,
understanding and apply knowledge or the ability of exercise thoughts and
Voice and speech recognition:
understands is the recognition and understanding by computer of spoken
Robotics and sensory system:
Sensory system
such as vision systems tactile system and signal processing system when
combines with AI, define a broad categories of system generally called
robotics. A robot is an electromagnetic device that can be programmed to
perform manual task. An intelligent robot includes some kind of sensory such as
cameras that collects information about the robot’s operations and its
vision: the basic objective of computer vision is to interpret scenarios rather
than generate picture. For example, picture taken by satellite it may be sufficient
to roughly identify reasons of crop damage. On other hand, robot vision system
may be design precisely identify assemble component to being a command.
Neural computing:
A neural
network is mathematical model of the way brain function. Neural networks are
starting to have positive impact in many business disciplines.
Automatic programming:
The goal of
automatic programming is to create special program that act as intelligent
tools to assist programmers and fastly each phase of programming process
Genetic algorithm:
These are
intelligent heuristic search methods that close a process that simulates
evolution in the computer. Genetic algorithm has been applying to large scale
combination mathematical programming problem such as large scale scheduling problems
even the producing police sketches of criminals.
Fuzzy logic:
§ This extends the notation of logic beyond simple
true false to allow or partial or continues truth in correct knowledge in
precise reasoning are important aspects of expertise in apply common sense to
decision making situation. One of the commercial applications of fuzzy logic
was in producing superior antilock brakes.
Intelligent agent:
§ These are intelligent search methods that follow a
process that simulates evolution in computer. For example, in a specific
problem the solution of representing as chromosome which is generally contains
the sequence of zero and one including the value of vector decision variables.
Problem description
Introduction of problem in AI:
AI problems are the problem that requires some kind
of intelligence, computer conventional problem. AI problem a very broad
spectrum they appear to have very little in common except that they are hard.
Before a solution can be found the important point
is the problem must be very precisely defining such that the abstract problem
should be converted into real workable states which are clearly understood then
we apply that AI technique to solve the problems.
Problem solution systems:
Problem solving require following four things to be
1. Problem description which consists of description initial situation and final situation
1. Problem description which consists of description initial situation and final situation
which is expected from the system and solution is
2. Analysing the problem so that appropriate technique can be used to solve the problem.
3. Isolation of knowledge and represent the task knowledge to solve the problem.
4. Choosing the successful problem solving techniques and its applications to the specific
2. Analysing the problem so that appropriate technique can be used to solve the problem.
3. Isolation of knowledge and represent the task knowledge to solve the problem.
4. Choosing the successful problem solving techniques and its applications to the specific
Problem characteristics: -
There are many methods to solve the AI problems for
example state space search heuristic methods. These methods solve different AI
problem but with limited capability that they solve the problem which belong to
different areas such that each technique of problem solving each devoted to
different class problems.
Choosing the most appropriate method is difficult
and requires the implementation of multiple techniques to solve the problem.
each problem is analyzing with following key attributes
1. Problem
Can be broken into a set of independent small sub
2. Ignorable
and undone step:
Can the problem
solution method can ignore the steps or at least undone if method cannot prove
the problem?
Can the problem outcome be universally certain or
4. Absolute and
relative solution:
Can the problem
method provide the good solution compare to all other possible solution?
5. Solution is state or path:
Can the problem
solution method provide the well define steps or path to provide the desired
6. Role of
Is knowledge
requiring solving the problem?
Absolute and relative solution:
On the basis of solution, the problem can be
divided in to two types:
1. Any path
problem or relative solution.
2. Best path
problem or absolute solution.
1. In any path problem we have more than one path
to successfully reach at the solution is
called relative solution problem.
2. We have followed a particular path to solve the
problem and that path is best for the
problem solving.
Production system:
Production system is applied to problem solving
programs that must perform a wide range of searches. Production systems are
symbolic artificial intelligence system. The difference between these two terms
is only one of semantics. The symbolic AI system may not be restricted to the
definition of production system but they cannot be different either.
Production systems are composed of three parts:
1. Global database
2. Production rules.
3. Control structure.
1. A global database is the system’s shortest or
short term memory. These are collection of facts that are to be analyzed. A part of global
database represents the current state of the system environment. In a game of
chasse, the current state could represent all the position of the pieces on the
chasse board.
2. Production rules are conditional if then
branches. In the production system whenever a
condition in
the system is satisfied, the system is allowed to execute the specific action
or perform it which may be specified under the rule. If the rule is not
fulfilled it may perform another action.
3. Control structure decides which production rules
to use and in what sequence. Rules are picked up from the global database to
used next in a production system algorithm.
Search is one of the central issues in problem
solving program or system in AI. Every AI program depends on a search procedure
to perform its pre scribed functions. Problems are typically defined in terms
of states and solution corresponds to the goal states.
Production systems provide a set of rules on the
basis of which we can start searching from initial position to goal state. The
production system can provide more than one rule for a state then the problem
solving system required some kind of decision making ability or production or
find out the right rule for that states. This ability or procedure is known as
control strategies. Control strategies methods:
There are two methods
1. Breath first search (BFS)
2. Depth
first search (DFS)
1. Breath first search (BFS):
Breath first search is simple strategy in which the
root node expended first, then all successors of the root node are expended
next. Then their successor and so on. In general, all the nodes are expended on
given depth in search tree before any nodes at next level are expended.
Breath first search can be implemented by queue
structure where first in first out (FIFO) properties is maintained means the
nodes that are visited first will be expended first.
2. Depth first search (DFS):
DFS is perfume
by dividing downwards into a tree. It does this by generating a child node from
most recently expended node than generating the child node child’s children
until a goal is found or cut of depth point d is reached. An algorithm for DFS
strategy can be implemented with stack. Where last in first out (LIFO)
properties are maintain. Depth first places the newly generated at the head of
the stack. So they will be chosen first.
search technique:
The basic idea of heuristic search is that rather
than try all possible search paths, you try and focus on paths that seem to be
getting you near the goal state.
When all information then the initial state the
operational and the goal state is available, the size of search space can
usually be constraints the better the information available, more efficient the
search methods process will be, such methods are known as informed search
methods or heuristic search methods. Heuristic are often regarded as efficient
they were incomplete for uncertain. this is not always true because some
heuristic has a sound mathematical basis while some have precise knowledge with
the high utility. Generate and test:
This method
works in two modules.
1. The generator which creates possible solution.
2. The tester which evaluates each proposed solution
either accepting or rejecting that
The process is terminated when one acceptable
solution is found either accepting or rejecting that solution. The basic idea
is to generate candidate solution in fact the solution to the problem. Candidate
solution are trying by generating different numbers and testing them. This is
known as blind search because there is no knowledge that is being used to
directed the search and also search is unsystematic. This method is basically
depth first search as complete solutions must be created before using testing.
The algorithm is generating and test is given below:
Algorithm: generate and test:
Step 1. Generate a (potential goal) state:
- particular point in the problem space, or - a
path from a start state
Step 2. Test if it is a good state:
- Stop if it is
a good state - Otherwise go to step1
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